Making Strides 5K Run and 1 Mile Health Walk

Our “Making Strides 5K Run and 1 Mile Health Walk” promotes awareness of Ovarian Cancer and raises funds for many education programs and giving back initiatives.

We urge our participants to consider the following facts before embarking on the morning’s event:

  • Each year, over 22,300 women are diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer.
  • Each year, about 16,000 of those 22,000 women die of Ovarian Cancer.

Since its creation in April 2011, the 5K run and 1 mile health walk is very symbolic of the journey the Susan Marie Rupp Foundation has undertaken. As each participant stands with us at the starting line, ready to set out, he/she knows the race’s finish line exists. It has a defined distance. It is approaching. It is visible. It is reachable.

For the fight against Ovarian Cancer, however, we are just beginning to “toe the line.” It is a long, hard race, but one that needs to be conquered. At this time, there still is no early detection test for Ovarian Cancer. There is no cure.

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As a nonprofit, volunteer organization, donations are vitally important to our foundation’s growth and continued success. Your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

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Together, we fight against Ovarian Cancer and honor Susan’s memory.

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